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Uniform Care


The Band purchased new uniforms in 2020! These new uniforms are of the highest quality and MUST BE treated with the utmost care. They cannot be washed and must be DRY-CLEANED ONLY! Our uniforms are to be worn at all competitions, parades, home games, spring concert and selected away games and other events.


The cost for replacing uniform items that are damaged:

Shako Hat - $52

Plume - $29

Uniform Jacket - $260

Bibbers - $47 (Students may also purchase their own bibbers - See webpage under band member resources )


To prevent having to personally replace a uniform all band members are required to follow all rules listed below.


Note: Uniforms are often kept at school. However, if issued to student to take home, the following procedures will be followed:


1. Each member will be issued a complete uniform with a garment bag for the year.


2. Appropriate uniform and accessories will be worn at all performances unless otherwise directed by Mr. Hines. Full uniform will be worn at all times unless otherwise instructed by the Director. Full uniform includes: shoes, black socks, bibbers, band t-shirt, jacket, & hat.


3. AT NO TIME SHOULD A MEMBER BE FOUND PARTIALLY IN UNIFORM! (No un-zipped jackets or bibbers are allowed at any time.)


4. Each member will be financially responsible for any damage to his/her uniform due to neglect. Keep it clean and get it cleaned often! NOTE: THESE UNIFORMS CANNOT BE WASHED! THEY MUST BE DRY-CLEANED.


5. Any band member found abusing a uniform will be reported to the Principal and his/her parent immediately. This is considered vandalism of school property and will be treated as such.


6. Only approved marching band shoes will be allowed while in uniform. (Purchased by the student from the band!)


7. Band T-Shirt will be worn under the band coat at all times. (Provided with Uniform!)


8. Complete uniform will be checked before each performance. (INSPECTION) Inappropriate dress will not be permitted and students will be removed from the performance and your grade will suffer.


9. ALL hair will be put-up under hats for marching band performances. NO EXCEPTIONS! This is a competition ruling. NO JEWELRY of any kind will be allowed on the field. This is also a competition ruling. (This includes facial and body piercings!) Additionally, do not have your hair dyed colors while in uniform. The hair dye WILL run and will ruin the hats and the jacket.


10. PRIDE prevents The Pride of Morehead members from marching in wrinkled uniforms. The uniform will be issued on a special hanger. Hang pants on the creases when you put the uniforms in the garment bags.


11. Uniforms will be stored on issued hangers: pants properly hung and the uniform bag over the jacket and hat in the issued box. Uniforms will be stored in the MHS band room on the approved racks.


12. All students will store their uniform away properly after every performance. Failure to do so will result in discipline and a grade reduction.





WARM WEATHER UNIFORM The warm weather uniform is used due to the extreme heat in August and September. The band director will always state which uniform is to be worn at a specific performance. The warm weather uniform will consist of:

1. Black Band Shorts

2. Band Shirt

3. Black Shoes

4. Black Socks

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