Why Join the MHS Band?

When it comes to extracurricular activities, there are fewer better to join than the band program at Morehead High School!
1. Band provides a positive, supportive environment for every student.
Band students are members of a multi-layered team working together every day. Band students learn to control and evaluate their personal contribution to each class.
Band students develop social skills, personal responsibility, and the ability to work as a team. Band is a safe, supportive place for students to develop their individual skills and personalities.
2. Band teaches self control, personal discipline, and strong character traits.
Band members develop self control taking care of their class materials and instrument. Band members develop personal discipline and effective time management skills through daily class routines.
Band members are accountable to each other for their abilities and contribution to the group. Band members develop life skills. Commitment, teamwork, discipline, dedication, and mastery of an instrument are life skills that will help students overcome future personal and professional obstacles and hurdles.
3. Music education supports success in every other subject.
Learning the language of music engages visual, auditory, and physical modes of learning. Reading music notation requires each band member to decode written symbols at a specific speed to create an immediate product which is then heard and evaluated by others.
The physical and mental performance skills developed by music students improve their performance in math, science, language arts, writing, and every other school subject.
Human brains are wired for music. Students who learn music become better at language, mathematics, and demonstrate higher verbal IQ scores.
Music is also great at relieving stress and reducing depression and anxiety which is especially important for teens. Music also slows the brain’s aging process, helps with sleep, and even helps the immune system.
4. Band improves the culture of the school and larger community.
School band performances support the structure of the school year, and provide opportunities to bring the community together. Band members contribute to the personality of the entire school and have the opportunity to perform for multiple public events.
The confidence and problem solving skills band members develop as they participate in public performances help them develop into responsible citizens who improve society. Students who perform together for years in band enjoy lifelong friendships.
Joining the band is a low-risk, high-benefit way for students to develop self-confidence, grit and determination required to succeed in any field.
More information regarding the benefits of Music Education can be found on the NAfME website. Click the LOGO Below :