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"The Pride of Morehead" is the largest and most active organization on the campus of Morehead High School. Our program is highly respected by our school and community and has been featured in such major events at the Wilmington Azalea Festival in 2022 and the Novant Health Thanksgiving Eve Parade in 2021 and 2022.
Membership in the band is open to any high school student as well as early college and rising 8th grade students. Students can participate in the band program in a wide variety of areas including instrumental, dance, color guard, and majorette.
The band begins each year with band camp. The purpose of Band Camp is for the preparation of all field show, parade, and pep band music for the year. Attendance is mandatory for all members of the band organization.
The Band performs at all home and away football, five parades, two concerts, and various marching competitions and events throughout each school year.

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